
选择 JJK 晶振片的理由

1. 合理的价格。
2. 稳定的质量:基片连续 20 年出口美国某晶振片品牌公司 ;成品引进进口设备制造。
3. 库存量充足:动态在库库存总量超过 20 万片 , 常规型号保证 5 万片以上。
4. 交期速度快 : 采用国内最快速度的”顺丰速运”次日达。
5. 较好的口碑 : 性价比最高 , 同业同行知名度高。

Reasons for choosing JJK crystal oscillator
1. A reasonable price.
2. Second, stable quality: a substrate 20 consecutive years exports to the US of a crystal piece brands; refnedequipment manufacturers depend on net imports.
3. Third, adequate inventories: dynamic in the library of the total stock over 200,000, conventional models guarantee more than 50,000.
4. Four delivery speed: using domestic fastest speed “SF” the next day.
5. Five good reputation: the highest price, with high-profle industry peers.


黑色盒子真空包装, 平放硬盘可旋转,10片/盒,使用时用真空笔取出或直接装上探头固定器。
白色盒子密封包装, 竖放硬盘可旋转,10片/盒,使用时用塑料镊子取出或直接装上探头固定器。

Three convenient packages

Black box vacuum packing, A hard disk that can rotate, — 10 / box, When used with vacuum pen out or directly on the probe holder.
White box vacuum packing, A hard disk that can rotate, — 10 / box, When used with vacuum pen out or directly on the probe holder.
Small box vacuum packing, Sliced crystals with air-laid paper bags — 5 / box, When used with vacuum pen out or directly on the probe holder.

全国售后热线: 40011-40018